No more 3-day Barter Faires

Please note: Youth Empowerment and Support will no longer be holding the 3-day Hope Mountain Barter Faire event.

In the future we hope to sponsor one-day, no-camping events.

The proceeds from such events will be divided between The Dome School and other youth organizations.

Thank you so much for all your support through the years, and we will hope to see you at one of our more manageable 1-day events. Thanks!!

2019 T-shirt contest open!

Hi friends. Here’s an FYI that our t-shirt contest is now open!

PRIZE – The artist of the selected shirt design will win (1) their choice of item with the design (e.g. hoodie, short or long-sleeve shirt. Value up to $55) and (2) two 3-day passes to the Barter Faire ($50 value each). Total prize value up to $155.

DEADLINE – Entries must be received by 4pm on March 15. The Barter Faire board will judge.
If available digitally, please submit via email to
If only available as a hard copy, please drop off at the Dome School / Takilma Community Building office or mail to Ryan Forsythe, T-Shirt Coordinator, c/o Hope Mountain Barter Faire, PO Box 812, Cave Junction OR 97523

2003 T-shirt


* At a minimum, designs should include the following elements:
(1) the words “Hope Mountain Barter Faire”
(2) the year “2019” (or the full date: June 21-22-23, 2019)
(3) a dragonfly

(optional note: a sometimes tradition has been to include the number of dragonflies equal to the year of the fair. This is the 17th, so that would be 17 dragonflies. This may be a bit much so please don’t stick in 17 dragonflies if it detracts from the overall design)

* If submitted electronically, preferred file formats are JPG and PSD (PhotoShop) but we can work with many file types. Submit at minimum of 10” wide at 300 dpi (or 3000 pixels wide).
* Please note that designs will be screen-printed, so the number of colors used should be limited (more colors = greater cost per shirt). [So note well: we may factor potential shirt cost into the design considerations – don’t go overboard! In fact, due to budget constraints, this year we encourage 1 or 2 color designs]
* Also please note that while the design will appear on the 2019 t-shirts, we also plan to use the winning design for the 2019 poster as well. No additional award compensation (beyond that noted above) will be provided if the design is used for both t-shirt and poster.

FOR INSPIRATION  – There are a few designs below, but almost all the previous t-shirt and poster designs can be found right here: T-SHIRT GALLERY and POSTER GALLERY

QUESTIONS? – Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Send to Ryan at thedomeschool (a) or call 541-592-3911.

2018 cannabis policy at Lake Selmac

There’s been a lot of discussion on our facebook page about the county marijuana policy this year. A lot of people sound like they may want to boycott the faire because of limits on use of cannabis. We’d like to share what is required of us, direct from the county (see images below).

Please note if anyone can help us with a positive solution, such as helping us find an alternate site next year with less stringent regulations, of course we’d be happy to hear from about it. But it’s too late for this year–we’re going ahead with the event at Lake Selmac for the weekend of June 15-17, and so we must follow their regulations.

We really hope everyone will consider supporting our faire this year (which directly supports the students of the Dome School) by not bringing cannabis to the event. 

Thank you.

Announcing the 2018 design winners!

Today we’re sharing the official 2018 poster, created by Alan Laurie. Alan has twice before created posters (see his previous designs, as well as all others, in our poster gallery). 

We had a great selection of designs from our t-shirt/poster contest. It was quite hard for the judges to narrow it down to one from the several great entries. So they didn’t! We actually had two winners this year. The judges chose Alan’s design as well as a great mandala/dream catcher design by Taryn Roberson. Congratulations Alan and Taryn! 

Working with the artists, we’ve agreed to use Alan’s in this year’s posters and Taryn’s design for this year’s t-shirt. We’ll share that as we get closer to the event–or maybe we should make you come on out to the faire to see it!  But you can see the poster design right this very moment…

Submit to 2018 t-shirt contest

Once again, we’re holding a contest to find the design for this year’s t-shirts. The artist of the winning design will receive 2 three-day passes to the Faire (value at least $50 each) as well as their choice of item with the design, such as a hoodie, short- or long-sleeve shirt, or tank top (value up to $55).

DEADLINE – Entries must be received by 5pm on March 10. The Barter Faire board will judge.

If available digitally, please submit via email to

If only available as a hard copy, please drop off at the Dome School / TCB office or mail to Ryan Forsythe, T-Shirt Coordinator c/o Hope Mountain Barter Faire, PO Box 812, Cave Junction OR 97523

* At a minimum, designs should include the following elements:
  • the words “Hope Mountain Barter Faire”
  • the year “2018” (or the full date: June 15-16-17, 2017)
  • a dragonfly [NOTE:  a sometimes tradition is to include the number of dragonflies equal to the year of the fair. This is the 16th, so 16 dragonflies, but this is optional. Please don’t stick in 16 dragonflies if it detracts from the overall design)

* If submitted electronically, preferred file formats are JPG and PSD (PhotoShop), but we can work with most file types. Submit at minimum of 10” wide at 300 dpi.

* Please note that designs will be screen-printed, so the number of colors used should not be more than 5 or 6 at most, as more colors translates to a greater cost per shirt.  [So note well: we may factor potential shirt cost into the design considerations – don’t go overboard!]

We have a gallery of past designs that you may wish to peruse for inspiration: t-shirt designs and poster designs.

Use of Cannabis in a public space

Before coming to our faire, please familiarize yourself with Oregon law regarding cannabis/marijuana use in a public space. 

475B.280 Prohibition against using marijuana item in public place. (1) It is unlawful for any person to engage in the use of marijuana items in a public place. (2) A violation of subsection (1) of this section is a Class B violation. [2015 c.1 §54]

Q: What is the definition of a public place?

A: Chapter 475B defines a public place as “a place to which the general public has access and includes, but is not limited to, hallways, lobbies, and other parts of apartment houses and hotels not constituting rooms or apartments designed for actual residence, and highways, streets, schools, places of amusement, parks, playgrounds and premises used in connection with public passenger transportation.”